Elbow, Wrist, and Hand Physical Therapy
The elbow joint connects your arm to your forearm. It is an attachment point for multiple muscles of your forearm. The elbow joint serves as a stable fulcrum for mobile shoulder and wrist joints. Several blood vessels and nerves pass through the elbow joint including the ulnar nerve. When you hit your elbow, you may actually compressing the nerve resulting in pain and numbness. Other overuse injuries like tennis elbow or golfers elbow are extremely common injuries at the elbow since it serves as an attachment point for the muscles in your forearm. You do not actually have to play tennis or golf to experience this pain. Daily, repetitive activities like typing, lifting or gripping can also cause the same symptoms. Unlock optimal function for your elbow, wrist and hand! Discover premier Physical Therapy for Elbow, Wrist and hand near (me) you in NYC. Reclaim your dexterity today!
The wrist joint connects your forearm to the hand, serving as an attachment point for the muscles from your elbow. It also has a tunnel, which holds some of the tendons of the muscles which control your hand movements. The wrist joint is made of 10 bones while there are 27 bones, 29 joints and about 123 ligaments in the hand. Some smaller groups of muscles, responsible for fine motor control, do originate in your hand, however the bigger muscles are actually in the forearm and control hand movements through the tendons.

Common Symptoms that can be treated with Elbow, wrist and hand physical therapy in nyc
- Do you have Pain in your wrist, hand, elbow or upper arm?
- Do you have difficulty putting weight in your arm?
- Are you noticing swelling in the your arms?
- Have noted tightness, locking, clicking in your elbows, wrist or hands?
- Do you have difficulty or weakness gripping or holding items like pen, paper, keys, doorknob?
- Do you experience numbness or tingling into the arm and hands?
- Do you have tenderness to touch in your elbows, forearm, wrist or hands?
Common Causes of elbow, wrist and hand pain that can be treated with physical therapy
- Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
- Medial Epicondylitis (Golfers elbow)
- Muscle rupture/strain
- Tricep tendinitis
- Fractures (Colles Fracture, Boxers fracture, Scaphoid fracture, ulna/radial fractures)
- Dislocations
- Trauma/ Post Surgical
- Arthritis
- Instability
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- DeQuervian’s Tenosynovitis
- Nerve entrapments
- Intersection Syndrome
- Ligament Sprain
- Olecranon Bursitis
- Double Crush Syndrome
- Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury (TFCC)
- Synovitis
- Game Keepers thumb / Skiers thumb
- Dupuytren’s Contracture