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12 East 44th Street, 5th Floor New York. NY 10017

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665 Martinsville Rd, Suite 219, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Elevator Access Available

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Knee Physical Therapy

Knee is a powerful joint that allows the lower body to move freely while supporting the weight of the body. The movements at the knee are critical for daily and athletic activities. The knee is connected to the hip by the femur and to the lower leg by the tibia. Patellae (knee cap) a free bone, is anchored to the front of the knee by the muscles in the area. Knee joint gets its stability from well known ligaments like the ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL and the meniscus. The knee is susceptible to injuries from abnormal muscle forces, repeated stresses, acute injuries, or imbalance stemming at the hip and ankle joints. Injuries and pain at the knee can impact daily function including, sitting, standing, transfers, walking, exercise and recreational activities and impact gait pattern with compensations. Free Yourself From Knee Pain! Discover the Best Knee Pain Specialist Near You. Get Expert Care and Relief. Take the first step towards recovery today!

Common Symptoms that can be treated with Knee Pain Specialist in NYC

Common Causes of knee pain that can be treated with physical therapy

How Can We Help as knee Pain Specialists

At our NYC Chronic knee pain treatment center, we will not only examine the knee joint, but will complete a functional assessment of your activities, examine the hip and the ankle joint to determine the source of the symptoms. Knee Pain Treatment plan will be determined based on the assessment, followed by one on one treatment to abolish pain and regain control to maximize participation in daily and sport activities.