Upper Back (Thoracic) Physical Therapy
Escape the grip of back pain! Find the ultimate physiotherapy for upper back pain in NYC. Say Goodbye to discomfort and hello to a pain-free life. Discover relief today!
The thoracic spine is the middle part of the spine, consisting of twelve vertebrae that connect the cervical spine (neck) to the lumbar spine (lower back). It has movements into flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation. The thoracic spine is connected to the ribs, forming the ribcage. Its function is to provide stability and protection to critical organs such as lungs, heart and diaphragm. As a result of its attachments to the ribs and the sternum, the thoracic spine generally has less mobility compared to the cervical or lumbar spine. This is compounded by the fact that our lives are generally sedentary and a large portion of the time is spent sitting. This region of the spine is often overlooked in training but is critical for maintaining good posture, breathing, and overall movement. When facing an injury, it is crucial to undergo physical therapy for upper back pain to restore normal function and prevent the injury from worsening.

Common Symptoms of thoracic pain that can be treated by physical therapy for upper back pain in nyc
- Do you have sharp or burning pain in your chest or mid back?
- Do you have stiffness or tightness or pressure like feeling in your mid back?
- Do you experience pain on deep breathing, coughing, sneezing or on certain trunk movements?
- Have you experienced numbness or tingling around the chest or breast?
Common Causes that can be treated with physical therapy for upper back pain
- Improper posture
- T4 syndrome
- Costochondritis
- Hyper Kyphosis
- Tietz Syndrome
- Slipped Rib Syndrome
- Scheuermann Disease
- Herniated Disc
- Compression Fracture in Osteporotic patients
- Neck muscle tightness or trigger points referring pain into the thoracic spine
- Systemic conditions