What is Frozen Shoulder Pain Like?
To understand the pain associated with frozen shoulder, it is important to understand what frozen shoulder is all about.
To understand the pain associated with frozen shoulder, it is important to understand what frozen shoulder is all about.
Knee is a powerful joint that allows the lower body to move freely while supporting the weight of the body. The movements at the knee are critical for daily and athletic activities. The knee is...
Stretching is a critical part of movement science. It should be a part of everyone’s routine. Stretching helps
It is easier than ever before to access thousands of styles of shoes online. However, have you ever stopped to wonder if the shoes you admire are the right for you? This question applies to...
Sprain and strains are commonly heard forms of injury. Thy are often confused as the same but in fact are different. In order to understand the difference between the two it is important to first,...
Motor vehicle injuries are traumatizing, stressful and financially costly. The mental, emotional and physical toll of being in the accident and its recovery is time consuming. As you deal with damages to your vehicle, you...
Receptors are the structure in the body which transfers the information to the brain. They are located in the skin, joints, muscles, capsules, tendons, ligaments, fat pads etc. They are responsible for posture, joint stabilization...
Headache is one of the most prevalent disorders, globally. The International Headache Society (IHS) classifies headaches into 3 main categories. The most common headaches people experience are Migraines, tension headaches and Cervicogenic headaches.
Neck pain (cervical spine pain) can have a significant interference in your day to day activities. Cervical spine is a complex structure which supports your head (approx the weight of a bowling ball), houses the...
The thoracic spine is the least mobile segment of your spinal column. It is an attachment point for the ribcage, and protects the heart and lungs. It plays a critical role in supporting your breathing...