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6 E 39th street suite 704 NY
NY 10016

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New Jersey Clinic

665 Martinsville Rd, Suite 219, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Elevator Access Available

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The Hesch Method is an integrated approach that treats the hip, pelvis and the lumbar spine in conjunction with the Sacroiliac joint (SIJ which is the pelvic joint) to correct pain originating from SIJ. It looks at the lumbopelvic-hip joint as a “single unit system”. So SIJ pain or asymmetry can lead to low back and hip pain or vice versa.

How does the Hesch Method work?

Specific hands-on-technique, “Spring testing with Awareness” is administered to evaluate and to treat the joint.

With this testing method, your clinician will be able to accurately assess the joint mobility and position of the surrounding structures to determine the cause of the dysfunction. It focuses on the correction of the most common patterns of SIJ dysfunction with the use of specific positions and exercises.

How does it help?

Treatment involves short levers with low load and long duration stretches and mobilization. Initial positioning, application of the load, and most importantly holding the load/position for longer periods of time is the key to resolve biomechanical dysfunction, quickly. It is friendly and empowering to the patient since it can be replicated by the patient at home, once taught correctly by the therapist. The technique purpotes to evaluate the transfer of energy through pelvis instead of relying on pain provocation or postural compensations. SIJ pain may not necessarily be present with an asymmetry between the joints. You may have symmetrical and aligned SIJ but still can be the cause of your pain. The approach is based on more “Joint to speak for itself”.