New York Clinic

6 E 39th street suite 704 NY
NY 10016

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New Jersey Clinic

665 Martinsville Rd, Suite 219, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Elevator Access Available

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What is the Mulligan Approach?

This approach is developed by a New Zealand based Physical Therapist, Brian Mulligan. Therapists apply pain-free manual joint repositioning techniques to restore motion and getting rid of the pain. It is a form of manual therapy technique involving natural apophyseal glides (NAGs) and Sustained Natural Apophyseal glides (SNAGs) to treat joint pain, pain arising from muscle injuries and improve limitations in motion.

Your therapist will first evaluate loss of natural movement, pain with movements or pain associated with functional activities. Then using a combination of manual glides, the therapist will find the correct treatment plane and grade of movement. Your therapist will then again evaluate your painful movement and activity. If there is reduction in pain and better motion, the treatment goal has been achieved.

Your therapist will also show you specific glides you can do yourself with home exercises, to ensure carryover of relief from pain and maintain range of motion gains.