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6 E 39th street suite 704 NY
NY 10016

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665 Martinsville Rd, Suite 219, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Elevator Access Available

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What is Trigger Point?

Trigger point can be described as a muscle knot, nodule, hyper irritable spot or band of tension located in the muscles. It can refer pain locally and/or elsewhere in the body along the pathway of the nerves. For eg: Trigger point in the scalene muscle in the neck can produce local pain in the neck and/or referred pain in the back and the outer side of the arm. Trigger point can restrict blood flow and impair nutrition of the muscles which, can create tightness, stiffness and pain in the muscles. This can also lead to limitations in joint movements.

What is Trigger Point Release?

It is a hands-on technique to release a tight area on a muscle tissue, which has been the cause of your pain. By Applying direct, constant pressure the trigger point relaxes, resulting in pain reduction and improved motion. Maximum pressure can be applied for as long as 2 minutes. The therapist should stay on the muscle tissue and avoid direct pressure on bones and joints. At Physis, our experts will use different manual methods along with different equipment such as Garston and Theragun to reduce trigger points and to achieve pain relief.