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Physical Therapy for Sprains and Strains

Sprain and strains are commonly heard forms of injury. Thy are often confused as the same but in fact are different. In order to understand the difference between the two it is important to first, know the difference between a ligament and a tendon.

Ligaments are a structure which connects and supports one bone to the other inside a joint. Tendons are structures through which the muscle attaches onto the bone. When the ligament gets overstretched or injured it’s called a sprain. When muscle or tendon gets overstretched or injured it’s called a strain.

Some Risk Factors that can cause a sprain or a strain:

General fatigue, incorrect posture and techniques during workout or playing sports, lack of proper warm up or cool down time period before work out

Some of the causes for sprain and strain:

  • Lifting activities
  • Sports activities and athletic movements
  • Working out in the Gym
  • Repetitive motions for long periods
  • A Fall
  • Gardening
  • Improper posture during activities

Common symptoms you may experience:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Tightness/stiffness
  • Inability to do movements
  • Difficulty with turning and twisting movements

Physical Therapy is highly effective in treating both conditions. So, if you have any questions in your mind after an injury or you are suffering from certain symptoms mention below feel free to contact us for physical therapy evaluation. We will figure out the best course of treatment to relieve your symptoms and bring back your recovery.

For milder sprains and strain, RICE treatment is beneficial. RICE means rest, ice, compression and elevation. If RICE treatment doesn’t work and if pain is unbearable and swelling is getting worse, a visit to the doctor for an x-ray is necessary to rule out a fracture or high-grade tears.

During your Physical Therapy visit, our licensed clinicians will evaluate you and determine the source of the injury. With accurate diagnosis we can, now, set up a plan for your care. Treatments can include active and passive exercises, taping, strength training and stability training with neuromuscular methods like DNS method, Janda’s Method and more.

Advanced training for sprains and strains in different areas require area specific training. For Example: Ankle sprain requires stability and balance training along with strength and stretching. Knee ligament sprain requires motor control training. Shoulder strain requires rhythmic stabilization exercises. Advanced training is critical to full recovery and avoiding future issues.

At Physis Physical Therapy we offer alternative solutions for fast and long lasting pain relief with noninvasive treatment called shockwave therapy [] which can help to regenerate the tissues and healing process.

If you are suffering from pain and injuries and it’s not allowing you to live your daily life the way you want to, please call us and schedule your appointment. Our experts will guide you on the right path.